
Welcome to Living Free. Through sharing our journey into unschooling we hope to inspire you and give you the confidence to forge your own education path for your children.

Our ‘Why’

Our ‘Why’

Knowing your ‘why’ is such an important aspect to any decision in life. This is your big reason as to why you are making the decision. A clear and defined ‘why’ will help ground you when judgment is flying in from all angles. It will act as a guide when you get off track and it will constantly remind you of what is truly important. So why do we unschool? What is our ‘why’?

To simply experience life and childhood together as a family.

That’s it. That is our why. It is the most simple sentence but it so clearly articulates what we want from our unschooling lifestyle. There are a few key words in here so let’s break it down.

  • Simply - We don’t want or need a complicated life. We don’t need stress, we don’t want to be rushing, we don’t need the latest toys or expensive holidays. We thrive in the simple moment. Walks, picnics, time with friends. Simple.

  • Experience - To make the most out of every day. Treat everything like an experience, from making breakfast to a brand new adventure. Every moment is worth celebrating.

  • Life - This is how we learn. Through everyday life and living. We live freely not bound by rules and regulations but enjoying our time and spending our days exactly how we want to.

  • Childhood - We are reclaiming their childhood. Childhood isn’t preparation for adulthood, or getting them ready for the next stage, test or exam. Their childhood is fleeting and we are here for every moment of it.

  • Together - Where possible we do everything together. Keeping the kids together as they grow up, spending our family days together, going to bed together - we just want to be together always!

  • Family - This is our primary value. We spend as much time with each other and with extended family as possible. Family dinners, spending time with cousins as often as we can and strengthening relationship to all family members is the most important thing to us.

Having a clear ‘why’, summed up in a succinct sentence is important so you can always refer back to it in times of need. If you let your ‘why’ guide all the choices you make for your family then they will be easier to make..

Our ‘why’ didn’t just develop over night. At first a large part of our reason to unschool was so our children weren’t subjected to the endless data, assessment and testing that happens on a daily basis at school. Whilst this is still important to us, it is no longer the driving force behind our decision to unschool our kids. Togetherness far outweighs the assessment reason now.

Your ‘why’ will vary from every other family and like us, it might even change over time so it is important to reevaluate it every now and then. Having a clear ‘why’ is key to feeling confident in your choice to homeschool or unschool your kids.

So tell me, what is your why?

Always living free,


Deschooling - What, How & Why

Deschooling - What, How & Why

Our Story

Our Story