Sweet Edition WHOLE FOOD for the WHOLE FAMILY

Sweet Edition WHOLE FOOD for the WHOLE FAMILY
Have a sweet tooth? Well then you're in luck. There is an abundance of recipes in these pages that will help with any sweet cravings. Raw treats, baked goods, all the fruit, smoothie bowls, juices and don't forget about the pancakes!
All recipes are Whole Food Plant Based (WFPB). This means they are free from animal products, refined sugar and oil. Some contain salt, which is not 100% WFPB but it is always optional and you can choose to omit it from your cooking if you desire. All recipes are gluten free too, as long as gluten free oats are used. Where possible recipes only use fruit to add sweetness or a little maple syrup.
The recipes in this eBook have been enjoyed countless times by my nearest and dearest; meat eaters love them, kids love them and there really is something for everyone in the following pages. Even better, you can cook most of them with a baby in one hand or a toddler at your feet (a small insight into cooking in my home).
This eBook is split into 4 sections:
RAW TREATS (32 recipes)
From my family to yours - I hope you enjoy these sweet treats as much as we have!
All eBooks are a downloadable interactive PDF document. Once opened you can click on any item on the contents pages and it will take you directly to the page. If you click on the page number down the bottom it will take you back to the contents page to save you scrolling back.